Vegetarian Club of Canton • Canton Ohio USA

The Vegetarian Club of Canton is an Ohio non-profit corporation. We are approved by the IRS as a tax exempt organization under IRS Code 501(c)3.
VCC Club Membership

You don't have to be a club member to attend meetings. You don't even be a vegetarian. Most people join us to learn about vegetarianism, then think about joining the group.

VCC membership costs $15 per person or $24 per family per year.​
​Memberships are pro-rated upon joining and are due again in January each year. 

Make checks payable to VCC
​​Please pay your membership dues at one of the meetings or ​​send it in by mail to:
​VCC; 5858 West Blvd NW Canton, OH 44718

Vegetarian Club of Canton  5858 West Blvd NW, Canton, OH 44718
For more information contact Anna Furey
Become a Member!